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Regain strength while keeping that little bundle of joy close

如何与婴儿车一起锻炼 - 新父母 Credit:盖蒂图像

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When I became a stay-at-home parent, we consolidated down to a single vehicle and moved to another state, which meant my social circle was extremely limited. Exercising absolutely helped me snap out of the occasional funk. Fortunately, it is possible to get some exercise and regain your physical and emotional well-being without prying yourself away from loved ones—and the effortdoesn’t have to be expensiveor overly time consuming.

This workout routineuses some of my favorite exercises—and really only requires a stroller. Make sure you havea great strollerso you can regain some strength, muscle tone, and sanity: while also keeping that little bundle of joy at hand.

1.动力步行是老式的 - 它有效

How to exercise with stroller - running

这听起来像是一段数十年历史的时尚的翻新,但好消息是,这次您不需要头带或腿部温暖器。根据几个university studies, power walking benefits your physical and mental health, and can even prevent osteoporosis. Your greatest accessory here is that stroller.

无论是慢跑手推车还是更行人的车型,该婴儿推车都有一定的重量。您可以使用这种阻力来加强像街区漫步一样简单的东西。设定自己的步伐,并使用地标交替使用地标。认真的跑步者train this way, too, and they have aweird namefor it. I like to use utility poles because they’re everywhere. I’ll push the pace as I pass two or three utility poles, then ease up and recover until I reach the next one.

跟踪您的进度(或激励您的动力)wearable fitness tracker


How to exercise with your stroller-bicep curls
学分:重新迎接 /乔什·亚当斯(Josh Adams)

Bicep curls are great for strengthening musclesyou can’t help but use every single day。您必须把那个孩子进出婴儿车,对吗?站在平坦的表面上,用脚底抓地力抓住车把,抬起婴儿车的后轮一英寸或两英寸。您可能需要锁定婴儿车的前轮以保持稳定。随着二头肌的订婚,肘部塞在您的身体附近,将这个位置保持10秒钟。将婴儿车放回原处,休息20-30秒,然后再做一次。

I also like to use最高的电阻带为此练习。您不需要婴儿车,但是您可以站在大三的前面,在卷发时愚蠢。踏上乐队的中间,抓住每只手的手柄,然后卷曲。


How to exercise with stroller

Because it would look a bit strange to try and bench press a stroller lying down, let gravity help you work your chest muscles with a great workout fromActive Kids。With both hands on the handlebar, stand at the bottom of a hill and push the stroller away from you until your elbows are only slightly bent. Make sure to keep your back straight and your posture upright (the more you lean forward the less you’ll be working your chest) and march up that hill.

This isometric exercise will help bring strength and tone to one of the body’s most prominent muscle groups that are great for both men and women, according to健身杂志(胸部锻炼是我个人的最爱)。要更改它,请在您上山时慢慢让婴儿车向您的身体滚动,然后将其向前按至开始位置。

4. Lunge alongside your stroller

How to exercise with your stroller - lunges
学分:审查/乔什·亚当斯(Josh Adams)

This exercise has amyriad of benefits。It works the entire lower body, from your hips to calves, improving strength, muscle tone and balance. Personally, lunges aren’t my favorite thing to do but I understand they are a necessary evil. It’s sort of like eating vegetables: I know I’ll feel better once I’ve done it, but it’s gonna be brutal.


On the lunge, be sure to keep that knee from extending out over your toes. You can also use the stroller to steady yourself as you take a step backward, following the same form. Just lightly hold the handle and step back with one leg until your knee is an inch or two above the ground.

5. Row, row, row your stroller

How to exercise with stroller


As explained byLisa Druxman的创始人Fit4Mom,柯eping your feet about hip-width apart, staggered so that one foot is 6-8 inches in front of the other, helps to brace you from being pulled forward. With a straight back, try and visualize the muscles across the back of your shoulders contracting as you pull the stroller toward you. Slowly ease the stroller forward and repeat. Important note: You shouldn’t feel this in your lower back. If you do, reset your feet, correct your posture, or try an incline that isn’t as steep.

显然,在山上,请确保您不要放开婴儿车。投资safety harness or clip对于婴儿推车,您可以作为安全措施附上自己。这可能是使用它的好时机。


How to exercise with your stroller - crunches
学分:审查 /乔什·亚当斯(Josh Adams)


在婴儿车上抓住一个斑点(您不希望它的尖端),稍微弯曲膝盖,然后将膝盖滚到胸部,保持紧密的核心。您的背部很小应该几乎不在地面上。慢慢将双腿再次向前滚动,将双腿延伸到起始位置。Agreat foam rollercan help ease those sore muscles when your done with your workout.
