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Apple的HomePod Mini改变了我的组织习惯。

Apple HomePod minis in white, navy, peach, yellow, and black. 信用:苹果 /评论

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  1. Product image of Apple HomePod Mini

    Apple HomePod Mini


    • 巨大的声音

    • Compact

    • Multi-room listening


    • 仅西里

    • 需要iOS设备

作为之一4% of adults在美国被诊断出患有多动症的美国,我一直在寻找使自己的生活更轻松的方法。在记忆问题,注意力集中以及我的执行功能障碍之间,我需要个人助理和生活教练的超人组合。

I haven’t found anyone like that, but Apple’sHomePod Mini价格为99美元,设法填补了其中一些角色。

关于HomePod Mini

信用:苹果 /评论


Released back in 2020, the Mini was a more compact and cheaper version of the now-discontinued HomePod. It is a latecomer to thesmart speakerGame及其智能助手Siri缺少亚马逊智能扬声器的大型技能库,Echo. But as with most Apple products, this sleek little ball of smarts plays exceptionally well with other Apple devices. Coming in black and white with a touch screen on top, this smart speaker’s look is more modern and polished than that of its contemporaries. But at $99 (twice the price of theEcho Dot), that minimalist Apple look and feature set comes at a cost.

What I like about the Apple HomePod Mini

It’s great for verbally processing

信用:苹果 /评论

Apple网站强调,在语音命令方面,它最多可以识别六个声音 - 对家庭的完美。

To use theHomePod Mini,您可以触摸扬声器,也可以通过说“嘿Siri”来唤醒您的私人助理。我在口头上进行过程,这意味着我认为说话时最好。. I like the instant interaction too, because by the time I’ve found my phone, I've forgotten what I wanted to do. I function best when I can do tasks the moment they come into my head, and the HomePod Mini makes this easier.


Just like the iPhone, the HomePod Mini schedules appointments, creates reminders, and sets timers and alarms. And when you use the HomePod, these items integrate with your iPhone andApple Watch. When I schedule a meeting, I can ask Siri to add the appointment to my calendar, and the appointment will be on my phone without any extra steps. And since I don’t have to find my inevitably misplaced phone first, I actually schedule it before I get distracted.

HomePod Mini的计时器和警报功能也可以帮助我跟踪自己的一天。多动症的症状之一可以是time blindness,这意味着我有时会失去20分钟刷牙并且不明白如何。当我设法专注于工作时,我可以不记得吃饭,伸展或去洗手间六个小时。因此,我设置了多个计时器来帮助构建自己的一天。我设置了计时器,以提醒我喝茶,从烘干机,运动以及其他任务和过渡中拿到衣服。而且,由于HomePod Mini的声音有室内填充的声音,所以如果我在房子里的其他地方,我不会错过计时器或警报。


说到所以und, the HomePod Mini’s audio is top quality. I personally can’t listen to anything with lyrics while I work, so I useApple Music创建的播放列表binaural musicto help me get my writing done, and I can control the speaker with my voice, so I won't get distracted playing with my phone.

The HomePod Mini helps me without contributing to my clutter problem. My desk is chaotic since I’m usually doing five things at once. So, I don’t have room for a huge speaker, but I still want something that delivers good sound. At four inches, the HomePod Mini occupies very little space on my desk, and still produces high quality sound no matter where I put it.


Person sitting at desk while working on computer next to smart speaker.
Credit: Getty Images / Martin-dm


The many timers, alarms, and appointment-setting options on the HomePod Mini make it easier to organize my life and ease my constant fear that I’ll forget something important. It doesn’t take up space on my desk, it plays well with my other Apple products, and I don’t have to remember to charge it since it stays plugged in. I can even use it to ping my phone, which is an absolute lifesaver given the number of times I’ve lost it somewhere in my house.



信用:苹果 /评论

If smartphone compatibility is a big factor to you, be wary of buying the HomePod without an Apple product.

If you don’t use Apple products, you might find the HomePod Mini less useful. It doesn’t integrate well with non-Apple technology. Another drawback is that thissmart speakerdoesn’t play well with some of the major music apps like Spotify. You can use Airplay to stream from your phone to the Mini, but they don’t organically interact.

和亚马逊的Echo speakers, the pod isn’t linked to shopping. For me, this is preferable. But if you like to shop verbally, this won't help you.

Should you buy it?

Yellow Apple HomePod Mini, Apple watch, Macbook, and Apple iPhone.
信用:苹果 /评论

如果您是Apple用户,那么HomePod Mini是您的完美匹配。


If you already use Apple devices and are looking for something to help you stay organized, the HomePod Mini is a great tool. For someone with ADHD, having an interactive personal assistant that is small, smart, and affordable has been a huge asset. If you’re not fully kitted up with Apple products though, this is probably a product you can skip. For me, this is one impulse buy that has been a complete game-changer.
Get the HomePod Mini from Apple for $99


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Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.

  1. Product image of Apple HomePod Mini

    Apple HomePod Mini


    • 巨大的声音

    • Compact

    • Multi-room listening


    • 仅西里

    • 需要iOS设备