
Vive Health Op鞋子评论


穿着蓝色牛仔裤的人的脚后跟楔形后鞋子的赤脚。 信用:Vive /审查


  1. Product image of Vive Health Heel Wedge Post Op Shoe

    Vive Health Heel Wedge Post Op Shoe

脚跟受伤是不愉快的,不必要的,并且完全不便。除了防止感染所需的疼痛,肿胀和日常伤口护理治疗外,还要多得多难以驾驶房屋,,,,halls, and life in general. When my mother first injured her heel a year and a half ago, walking became even more challenging because she could no longer put pressure on her left heel.

由于帕金森氏病,我的母亲多年来一直行走多年,医生将她归类为脚部受伤之前的高跌倒风险。即使我在她身后,她慢慢而谨慎地走向步行者时,握住步态皮带,步行变得更加困难,而且危险 - 因此她开始显着限制自己的步行。减少走路这么多,导致她的肌肉和关节僵硬,从而使行走变得更加困难。我们必须找到解决方案。

关于Vive Heel楔形后鞋鞋

信用:Vive /审查

这Vive heel wedge post-op shoe makes mobility more achievable.

Vive Heel楔形后鞋基本上是一条搭配的绑带鞋,脚后跟切出。这种设计将重量转移到前脚和中足,有助于缓解脚后跟的疼痛和压力。它有一个宽阔的脚趾盒,并配有延伸器皮带,可容纳绷带和肿胀。鞋子的中性设计意味着它可以适合您的左脚或右脚,并且有五种尺寸,可容纳女性5.5-12的尺寸,男性为6.5-14。


While, technically, this is a post op shoe, one mustn’t go under the knife to appreciate its benefits. My mother didn’t have any surgery for her foot injury; she had a scrape that got infected so badly that it required daily cleaning and bandage wrapping. During one of her home occupational therapy sessions, the therapist saw her struggling with the slipper-shoe combo and suggested we look into a heel wedge shoe. She didn’t specifically recommend the Vive shoe but it’s what I found online. My mom found the shoe to be extremely helpful and we both recommend it to anyone in a similar situation.



Person modeling foot in heel wedge post-operation shoe.
信用:Vive /审查


Due to arthritis, hammertoe, and a host of other foot challenges that several surgeries have been unable to fully remedy, walking in slippers is quite painful for my mother. To provide more comfort to her non-injured foot, she started wearing one slipper and one步行鞋但这引入了不同高度的问题。楔鞋通过允许她更加流畅地行走而不给受伤的脚跟施加压力来解决它。


尽管晚期关节炎,灵活性有限和与帕金森有关hand tremors,,,,my mother has been able to put the wedge shoe on and take it off without requiring any assistance. This gives her a greater sense of independence and, as her caregiver, I’m freed up to do something else while she’s putting on her shoes.


我母亲每天都穿楔鞋约六个月,这时她的足病医生说她只需要一半的一天。在那两个月之后,她被告知她根本不需要佩戴它 - 豪华!但是,当几个月前轻微的脚跟疼痛恢复时,她开始在这里和那里穿着。她用其他鞋子将楔鞋保持在楔形鞋上,如果她的脚跟打扰她,仍然可以穿上它。

What I don’t like

这Velcro fastener could be longer

Person using scissors to cut velcro on heel wedge post-operation shoe.
信用:Vive /审查


For the most part, my mother really loves this boot and hasn’t experienced any major issues with it. However, one challenge that sometimes occurred was that the ankle strap would become loose. We suspect this would happen because the Velcro fastener on the side of the boot is only about an inch long. Were it longer, we think the ankle strap would be less likely to loosen.

It’s not particularly attractive

I saw that some reviewers online complained about the shoe being too heavy, but this wasn’t my mother’s experience. Sure, it’s heavier than flip flops and slippers but it’s no heavier than the新平衡步行鞋she normally wears. Yes, the wedge shoe is a bit bigger, clunkier, and certainly less attractive than her walking shoes, but it sort of has to be, doesn’t it? I’m no engineer or fashion designer but I suspect it’s impossible to design a supportive, post op medical shoe that is missing its heel while somehow still managing to look exactly like a regular sneaker. That’s just not realistic.


We think the boot is as unassuming as possible and, because it’s all black, my mother is able to match it fairly well with her clothing. Now, if you tend to wear a lot of white, perhaps it would be problematic that the boot is only available in black, but since my mom tends toward darker pants and tops, perhaps with a colorful scarf thrown in for good measure, the black works well for her.


信用:Vive /审查


如果步行会变得更容易或更舒适而不给脚跟施加压力,那么,是的,您绝对应该购买Vive Heel楔形后鞋. And while this shoe appears to be adaptive equipment, anyone with a heel injury would benefit from its use. So if you ever find yourself tenderly hobbling to avoid putting pressure on your heel, the minimal investment of a post op shoe like the Vive Is definitely worth considering.

Get the Vive Wedge Post Op Shoe at Amazon from $26.99

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  1. Product image of Vive Health Heel Wedge Post Op Shoe

    Vive Health Heel Wedge Post Op Shoe