Kitchen & Cooking



如果您被困在家,这是要烘烤的东西 Credit: Getty Images / FotografiaBasica / Lesyy


With the number of COVID-19 cases climbing across the country, many Americans are being asked to practice social distancing and stay at home. If you're one of many, many people looking for a relaxing hobby to pick up during stressful times of isolation, baking can keep you busy while providing delicious, fresh-baked goods to you and your family.

但是这个简单的任务有时会daunting-when I started learning how to bake, I had no idea how much precision it requires, which led to a handful of kitchen mishaps. Luckily, with the正确的工具和设备,烘烤可以适合任何人 - 包括像我这样的新手。



学分:Getty Images / Pamela_d_mcadams

If you don't want to shop for ingredients, cake mix is always a good choice.


布朗尼例如 - 混合物,将混合物倒在一个cast iron skilletor a半平底锅,,,,and let bake in the oven for the suggested period of time. In these few steps, you’ll have brownies ready to serve! If you’re feeling fancy, you can add a dollop of ice cream or drizzle with chocolate syrup.

2. A loaf of quick bread for a morning boost

图片来源:Getty Images / arx0nt

You can start with banana bread and expand to other types of quick bread.

对于新手烘烤的人来说,快速面包是必经之路。您可以扔掉手头上的任何东西 - 含有香蕉,坚果,葡萄干 - 您将有一些甜美的面包来开始一天。我发现这个过程最容易使用混音器 -手动搅拌器or a立式搅拌机can do the job with minimum effort.

香蕉面包相对容易解决,因为像所有快速面包一样,它不需要酵母升起。除了简化食谱外,缺乏酵母还缩短了总烘烤时间。从大量不同的食谱中测试了面包后,我决定我喜欢this banana bread recipefrom Bon Appétit the most.

One pro tip: When you line theloaf pan借助羊皮纸,让纸张悬在面包盘的边缘上,因为它可以使烘烤后更容易提起面包。


图片来源:Getty Images / Shironosov

No more bread runs—you can make the bread at home.

一旦尝试了一些介绍级别的食谱,您可能会感到易于挑战自己的烤面包 - 尤斯特面包。如果您没有耐心来提高自己的sourdough starter,我发现了这个no-knead bread recipe成为一个良好的开始,因为它仅涉及四个步骤和四个成分。我们建议将面包烘烤荷兰烤箱(you need to make sure to remove the plastic knob on the lid), but you can use any heavy, covered pot (preferably 8-quart or more) of your choice.

4. Some muffin-sized versions of savory, single-serve dishes

图片来源:Getty Images / Yipengge

松饼罐不仅用于纸杯蛋糕 - 您可以探索其他用途。

如果您的松饼锡坐在橱柜里收集灰尘,那么您并不孤单。我们中的许多人可能是为了特殊场合或要求它的食谱购买的,但从来没有第二次使用它。现在您有足够的时间烘烤的家,这里是一些出色的方法到make the most out of muffin tins so you can explore items not limited to玉米面包松饼和纸杯蛋糕。

是否是迷你菜肉馅煎蛋饼or鸡煲馅饼,,,,one of the greatest advantages of using muffin tins is you can freeze the individual items easily without making a mess.


BA upside-down cake
学分:BonAppétit / Alex Lau


被困在家里并不意味着您必须跳过甜点。你可以使这个简单红糖蛋糕与意大利乳清干酪和蓝莓in under 25 minutes, or try these fuss-freeOreo truffle balls仅使用三种成分。

I also love this一罐颠倒的蛋糕因为它需要最少的厨房设备,但是您需要一个蛋糕盘来防止蛋糕面糊溢出。如果您没有蛋糕盘,则可以使用防烤箱的煎锅来制作焦糖苹果Clafoutis


图片:Getty Images / fcafotodigital

Ran out of cookie dough? You can easily make your own at home.

If you’re craving chocolate chip cookies but you don’t have any premade cookie dough, you may want to make your own from scratch. This classic巧克力曲奇食谱很容易遵循和不含鸡蛋,这对于我们这些在售罄之前没有库存的人来说非常有用。该食谱还提供了有关如何冻结面团以供以后使用的说明。

To ensure the best quality cookies, we like to usecookie sheetsthat can prevent the undersides from burning and promote even baking. To make sure the surface is nonstick, you can either line the cookie sheet with parchment paper or try abaking mat这很容易使用,而且很干净。

With the proper tools and practice, this stay-at-home time may help us all become better home cooks and bakers. Have more cooking-related questions during the coronavirus outbreak? We're here to help you figure out如何处理您的食品储藏室how to get your meal kits delivered

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