Home & Garden

Here’s how to build an ice rink in your backyard

Lumber and plastic unite!

在后院后面的户外溜冰场上玩曲棍球和滑冰的人的卡通绘画。 学分:审核 /塔拉·雅各比(Tara Jacoby)


寒冷,下雪冬天可能会很长 - 但是准备好进入溜冰场可以将沉闷的一天变成冬季仙境。即使您的镇上没有溜冰场,也很容易在您的后院建造溜冰场。大多数人可能可以在一个周末建造一个,并在另一个周末度过一个周末。




On left, wooden two by being held together metal bracket. In middle, tan twine ball. On right, silver screw.
Credit: Simpson Strong-Tie / Everbilt



Credit: Flexilla / Johnson

Luckily, this project is beginner-friendly and contains some household tools you might already have.


Step 1: Determine your size and space



如果您正在努力制作溜冰场,我将使您的空间和预算能够应付。这些说明是针对12 x 24英尺的溜冰场。


Once you know where and how big you want the rink, drive wooden garden stakes into the ground at each of your corners.

Starting with the corner that you think is highest, tie a piece of twine to the stake about four inches off of the ground. Then tie the other end of the twine to the next stake. Use a line level to ensure that the string is level.


Repeat this process with all four sides and the diagonals to ensure that you have at least four inches of clearance everywhere.

一些地区的草坪有最低克丽rance of four inches, while other areas will have much more.


Lay out all of your two-by-10s boards to make sure everything fits as needed.

Once everything is in place, start building from the corners. Butt two two-by-10s together and secure them with L brackets and #9 SD connector screws, checking that the corners are square with your carpenter's square.


Once the box is square, or close enough, then secure the remaining boards along the long edges together with the tie-plates and No. 9 screws.



Build corners the same way as in Step 3, and secure the second level to the base using additional tie-plates.


Drive wooden garden stakes into the ground at periodic intervals, pressed tight against the box. I recommend three per board. These stakes will help hold the lumber in place as it takes the weight of the water. Try to drive the stakes at least a foot into the ground, more if you can.

Use a circular saw or reciprocating saw to cut off the tops of the stakes above the box.

Pro tip:If your ice rink has a second layer to hold the water, consider using two-by-fours to create additional bracing.







Step 7: Fill the rink with water


The size and depth of your rink determines how long filling takes. Expect it to take hours. Check on it periodically, and adjust any plastic that is moving around by loosening the clamps.


Step 8: Maintain the ice

The work doesn’t end when the ice is frozen. Skating is going to chip and scratch the ice, and snowfall will leave a crusty, slushy surface behind that’s hard to skate on. If you want to skate all winter long, you need to maintain the ice.

您可以投资ice resurfacer。这些设备将冰弄平,并重新涂一层薄薄的水,使其产生玻璃状,可滑的饰面。

However, they can be out of budget, and aren’t strictly necessary, particularly for smaller rinks.

Instead, you can refinish the ice yourself by shoveling out all of the loose snow and ice, and then flooding the rink again with a thin layer of water. When this refreezes, you’ll have a smooth, clean surface.

Step 9: Dismantle your rink at the end of the season

All good things come to an end, and ice skating season is no different. If you want your yard back for spring and summer, you’ll need to take your ice rink down.

Actually taking it down is easy. Unclamp the liner, roll it up or throw it away depending on its condition, and unscrew the frames. There should be no reason that you can’t save the lumber to reuse next winter.

The problem comes from the hundreds or thousands of gallons of water in the rink. It has to go somewhere, and you don’t want that somewhere to be your neighbor’s yard, or worse, their basement. You also don’t want it to completely ruin your yard.

如果您对水的方向充满信心,那么您可以在衬里中切一些孔,然后让它自身排出。较小的孔会降低较慢,而损坏较小。但是,如果您对洪水的方向不信心,请考虑使用池塘泵to direct the water.



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