Home & Garden

妈妈是秋天最喜欢的花朵 - 在这里照顾他们

Tips for better plant parenting

Yellow-orange chrysanthemums with a pumpkin in the background. Credit: Getty Images / AlpamayoPhoto


妈妈是秋季花园的五颜六色的主食,但是您如何关心妈妈?无论您称他们为妈妈,花园妈妈,菊花还是菊花莫里氏菌 - 这些类型的类型都没关系多年生花都是一样的,它们可以用一些TLC来使您的花园持续数月甚至数年。

Here’s how to care for mums.

What are mums?

来自Lowe's和Home Depot的Orange Chrysanthemums的紫色菊花的分裂图像。
图片来源:Lowe的 / Home Depot /审核


妈妈是那些浓密的花朵,上面有数十个花瓣,在秋天到处都弹出,因为它们通常会盛开,直到有32F霜冻。妈妈有阴影黄色,,,,orange,,,,红色的,,,,白色的,,,,and紫色的,,,,and occasionallycoral,,,,薰衣草, 或者pink。他们有时有对比鲜明的中心按钮像雏菊


  • 花店妈妈:这些真的是在锅中切花。他们被繁殖为颜色,而不是冷坚硬。他们会在整个秋天使您的门廊或露台变得漂亮,但他们无法在冬天生存。这些是您在超市,农场看台和花店的妈妈。

  • 花园妈妈:繁殖以幸存冬天。您可以在花园中心等地方找到花园妈妈Home Depotoror through online retailers likeBurpee


How to care for mums in pots

Credit: Getty Images / iStock / ArtmannWitte

Full sun, evenly moist soil, and avoiding frost are key to caring for potted mums.

All types of mums need the same care as long as they’re planted in containers. Put the container in full sun if possible for the healthiest possible mums. They’ll be fine if they just get morning or afternoon sun, but full sun is better.

Also, make sure to keep the soil evenly moist. Dry soil makes chrysanthemum flowers快速褪色,,,,and small pots full of roots dry out quickly. Check your mums containers for moisture frequently.

If you see frost in the weather forecast, bring your mums indoors! Even if the mums survive, frost can destroy the flower buds that haven’t bloomed.


How to care for mums through the winter

A split image of potted pink mums from Lowe's and a closeup of coral mums from Burpee.
信用:Lowe / burpee /审核

It's possible for mums to survive the colder seasons by bringing them inside.



When bringing mums indoors, place the flower in a cool, sunny place. Be sure to remove any coverings on the container (such as decorative foil wraps) that might trap water.

Additionally, cut back on your watering. Let the mums get a little dry on top, abouttwo to three inches,,,,before watering them thoroughly.



How to care for mums planted outdoors

Credit: Lowe's / Reviewed



Mums’ shallow roots are very vulnerable to winter damage, and cycles of freezes and thaws can heave the mums right up out of the soil. Here’s how to increase the odds that your mums will resprout next spring.

确保尽快种植妈妈。在秋天种植妈妈的最大挑战之一是,他们根本没有足够的时间将其根部扩散到霜之前的花园土壤中,increasing the likelihood of root damageduring freeze/thaw cycles and dry periods.

When it comes to planting, space the mums the same depth they were in the containers, in a site that gets full sun and drains well after a rain—about 18 inches to 24 inches apart. Water them thoroughly after planting.

Once frost has killed the flowers and most of the leaves, and the stems have turned brown, cover the mums with four inches of mulch to help insulate the roots and keep the plant from heaving out of the ground. You can use any fine mulch such as松针,,,,shredded bark, 或者稻草。Just be sure not to use leaves, as they’llget matted down并且不会提供任何绝缘材料。

在春天,去除覆盖物土地解冻后,which is usually early April in northern areas of the U.S. Side-dress withcompostor apply a balanced fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s directions. Stop fertilizing once flower buds form.

As your mums grow, pinch off the tips of shoots to get more compact plants with more flowers. (If you don’t pinch off the tips, your mums will get tall, skinny, and “leggy” and will tend to flop over.) Start when the plants are three feet to four feet tall, and remove the growing tips and two feet to three feet of growth. Keep pinching off the ends once a month until the flower buds develop, then stop. Don’t pinch off the flower buds!

而且,如果您的冬季妈妈尽管您的温柔护理都灭亡,请考虑planting mums in the spring,当他们有足够的时间在弗罗斯特之前建立根源时。或种植其他一些看起来像炸药直至霜冻的多年生造成的多年生植物。

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