  • 关于Eufy Floodlight Cam 2 Pro

  • 我们喜欢什么

  • 我们不喜欢什么

  • 你应该买吗?


  • 免费的本地存储

  • 坚实的性能

  • 完全可定制


  • 仅支持有线安装

Eufy Floodlight Cam 2 Pro是安装在车道上方的理想安全毯。

CAM 2 Pro是早期Eufy泛光灯(例如Floodlight Cam和Floodlight Cam 2)的自然继任者,并带来了关键的改进,例如加强记录存储,更明亮的灯光和方便的功能,例如主题锁定和跟踪。它面临着像阿洛还有其他人,但是CAM 2 Pro非常出色地与业务中的最佳成绩保持了自己的基础。

关于Eufy Floodlight Cam 2 Pro

  • 价格:$ 299.99
  • 颜色:白色的
  • 连接:802.11 b/g/n @2.4GHz
  • 能量源:硬线(110-240V)
  • 解决:2K,高清
  • Field of view:360度水平,垂直130度
  • 声音的:双向谈话
  • 照明亮度:最多3000流明的三个可调灯面板
  • 智能助理支持:Amazon Alexa,Google Assistant
  • 操作温度:-4至120度华氏度
  • 重量:4.9磅

包括凸轮2 Pro旁边是安装套件,螺丝和快速入门指南。泛光灯的初始设置简单明了,快速启动指南和Eufy Security应用程序带您浏览基础知识。与Eufy的不同视频门铃and家庭安全套件,该相机不需要直接插入路由器的Eufy家居基地工作。

CAM 2 Pro的物理安装并不比添加一个视频门铃只要Cam 2 Pro将更换现有的光线,相机就可以到您的家。如果没有,事情就会变得更加棘手。但以下更多内容。



Eufy Floodlight Cam 2 Pro
学分:审查/尼克·伍德德(Nick Woodard)

Eufy的新泛光灯The Flaylight Cam 2 Pro可能很昂贵,但它提供了一套出色的功能。


Cam 2 Pro的零售价为299美元,可能并不便宜,但Eufy似乎决心确保您获得了钱的价值。从其出色的人类检测能力到IP65天气抗性和与两者的兼容性Alexa和Google Assistant(但不是Apple HomeKit,尤其是)CAM 2 Pro直接装备精良。

Besides the floodlight’s jarring, remote-activated 100db siren (which I may or may not have utilized to terrify a certain significant other), the feature I coveted the most was the Cam 2 Pro’s 8GB of internal storage. As someone who loathes having to pay a monthly subscription just to have his环门铃捕获视频(可以说是智能门铃的核心功能),拥有板载,本地存储是一种解脱,允许相机立即开始捕获运动激活的事件。

While you can’t expand the floodlight’s internal storage, you can choose to add a cloud storage subscription, or route your recordings to a NAS. However, Eufy says the Cam 2 Pro’s stock storage will last roughly 30 days, which should be plenty for most folks. For context, in the week I spent testing the floodlight, I filled up less than a GB of internal storage.


Eufy Floodlight Cam 2 Pro
学分:审查/尼克·伍德德(Nick Woodard)

Eufy的新泛光灯The Flaylight Cam 2 Pro可能很昂贵,但它提供了一套出色的功能。

功能的洗衣清单,其中包括内部存储负责人,当然很棒。我使用CAM 2 Pro的时间制作了详细的2K质量视频,并在Floodlight双向谈话设置的两端都愉快地清晰了音频。

在深夜测试期间,该设备的三个轻型面板毫不费力地在我的车道上轻松训练了聚光灯。由于Eufy声称的灯光达到了高达3,000流明的亮度,因此CAM 2 Pro代表了较明亮的泛光灯之一,价格为300美元或以下。Arlo Pro 3和Eufy泛光灯的先前迭代,例如Eufy泛光灯凸轮2,分别在2,000和2,500流明的CAM 2 Pro中测量。

当您添加CAM 2 Pro的其他基于性能的技能(包括其360度平移范围和全彩色夜视)时,很明显,在捕获视频方面,这种泛光灯构成了表现出色。有一些整洁但不一定是诸如泛光灯的智能照明之类的重要特征,该功能会根据日出和日落等一天中的时间自动调节浅色温度。但是,总体而言,CAM 2 Pro配备了完成手头任务的工具。


学分:审查/尼克·伍德德(Nick Woodard)

取决于您是否将更多地识别为设定的型号类型,还是内心的修补匠,这可能会或可能不会引起您的兴趣。但是CAM 2 Pro非常可定制。

是否想指挥CAM 2 Pro来检测所有运动,而不是专注于人类运动?你可以做到。要调整流媒体或记录质量,甚至在泛光灯的内置麦克风上切换?您也可以做到这一点。您甚至可以手动设置CAM 2 Pro的默认色温和亮度,或在五个不同的安全模式之间选择。




Eufy Floodlight Cam 2 Pro
学分:审查/尼克·伍德德(Nick Woodard)

Eufy的新泛光灯The Flaylight Cam 2 Pro可能很昂贵,但它提供了一套出色的功能。


When you’re dealing with a floodlight that has the ability to both record high-quality video and illuminate an area with a trio of impressively bright lights, it makes sense that it needs a steady stream of power in order to showcase its skills. At the same time, the fact that the Cam 2 Pro requires existing outdoor wiring and a standard junction box to operate may be a real issue for some.

如果您对CAM 2 Pro的所需位置缺少Eufy安装难题的两个必需部分之一,那么您基本上有三个选项。您可以雇用电工来整理一切并为您的CAM 2 Pro上升和运行奠定基础。当然,您还可以购买另一个支持无线,电池供电的设置或与附近电源插座的更标准连接的智能泛光灯。竞争对手喜欢Arlo Pro 3泛光相机选择无线路线,这几乎可以肯定是更通用的替代方案。

我选择使用三个,呼吁取代the porch light flanking the left side of my garage with the Cam 2 Pro. It killed any sense of symmetry that my driveway once had, and isn't exactly the aesthetically pleasing choice, but it had the hardware I needed to get the floodlight up and running. Once I bit the bullet and removed my old porch light, mounting the Cam 2 Pro in its place was a straightforward process that took all of 15 minutes. It's just an off-center adaption of what I was hoping for, and I have Eufy's power restrictions to blame for that.



在很多方面,CAM 2 Pro是安装在车道上方的完美安全解决方案。它的性能可以录制详细片段,定制选项,以拨入您的特定口味,并证明公认的高价标签是合理的。

我唯一要避开Eufy的360度智能泛光灯的情况是,如果您还没有在要在家中安装的确切位置安装接线。Unless you’re an electrician by trade, it will most likely be easier to instead choose a wireless alternative like the Arlo 3. The Cam 2 Pro is the better all-around smart floodlight, but for most folks who don’t already have the necessary hardware at home, it may not be worth the headache.

If you’re already set up for a floodlight, though, the Floodlight Cam 2 Pro should be near the top of your list of driveway toppers.

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Nick Woodard

Nick Woodard


@@ nwoodard25

Nick Woodard is a tech journalist specializing in all things related to home theater and A/V. His background includes a solid foundation as a sports writer for multiple daily newspapers, and he enjoys hiking and mountain biking in his spare time.

See all of Nick Woodard's reviews


