
三星Galaxy Watch 4与Apple Watch系列6:您应该购买哪个?


Two different images of someone wearing a smartwatch around their wrist 学分:审查 /克里斯蒂安·德·劳珀(Christian de Looper) /乔安娜·内利乌斯(Joanna Nelius)


如果您在市场上购买新手机和新智能手表,则没有比这更好的手表Samsung Galaxy Watch 4Apple Watch系列6。它们都是全天电池寿命以及出色的健康和健身跟踪的绝佳选择。更不用说Galaxy Watch 4具有全新的操作系统。


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The Galaxy Watch 4 next to a Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.
学分:审查 /乔丹·麦克马洪(Jordan McMahon)

虽然您可以将Galaxy Watch 4与许多Android设备配对,但最好与三星手机一起使用。

与以前的Galaxy手表不同,Galaxy Watch 4仅与Android设备一起使用,并且可以与三星Galaxy手机一起使用。与Galaxy设备配对仅需几分钟,但是如果您使用的是Google Pixel 5或其他Android手机之类的手机,则必须下载一些三星应用程序才能使所有内容正常工作。

如果您有iPhone,则根本无法使用Galaxy Watch 4,因为两个设备都锁定在自己的生态系统中。如果您在市场上购买新手机,这可能会使开关更容易,但是如果您不想从当前的Android手机中切换,那么Apple Watch将不会适合您。

我们的选择:Galaxy Watch 4


使用Apple Watch,您可以选择严格的GPS或GPS +蜂窝模型,从而增加LTE连接性(随附的每月载体计划)。这两种选项均带有802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz和5.0GHz Wi-Fi和蓝牙5.0。

On the Galaxy Watch 4, you can also pick from a GPS only or GPS + LTE model. Like the Series 6, it also has Bluetooth 5.0 and 5.0Ghz Wi-Fi, so you won't be out of luck if you decide to forgo the LTE option.

无论哪种方式,如果您选择使用LTE的型号,在大多数情况下,您必须向您的承运人支付额外的月费 - 通常每月10美元。当您将手机留在后面时,您将获得能够获得通知和跟踪锻炼的好处,但这会花费您。

Our pick: Tie


学分:审核 /基督教de Looper


如果您要跟踪锻炼和健康数据,那么Apple Watch Series 6和Samsung Galaxy Watch 4都装有传感器,以密切关注所有内容。


Galaxy Watch 4测量相同的事情。有一个ECG传感器,光学心脏传感器和一个生物电阻抗分析传感器,该传感器通过您的身体发送微小的电流,以检查几个身体组成统计。其中大多数将与任何兼容的Android手机一起使用,但是某些功能(例如ECG监视)将需要三星手机。

但是,尽管功能相当相似,但重要的是要注意,它们的实际测量并不总是匹配的。正如我们在我们的Galaxy Watch 4评论,虽然手表4和Apple Watch系列5之间的结果非常接近,但通常会有一些差异。但是,这并不比另一个更好,因为这两个都不是完全准确的,并且这些测量值更多地用于跟踪趋势,而不是成熟的诊断或分析。

Our pick: Tie



在Apple Watch Series 6上,您可以要求Siri向您提供前往最近的自行车店的路线,运行自动快捷方式或发送快速短信。如果您选择了Galaxy Watch 4,尽管手表运行了Google的Wear OS,但您将不会获得Google Assistant。

取而代之的是,您被Bixby所困扰,Bixby比Siri和Google Assistant的功能低。尽管该应用程序已安装在手表上,但您仍无法召唤Google Maps,并且在另一个运行时启动计时器会杀死第一个。鉴于佩戴操作系统的浅池应用程序,您还会错过第三方应用程序命令,例如能够在选择列表应用程序中添加一些内容。但是,您可以使用Apple Watch系列6来完成所有操作。

Our pick: Apple Watch Series 6


Apple Watch系列6放在桌子上,显示多色手表。
学分:审核 /基督教de Looper

Apple Watch Series 6具有更好的语音助手和一系列兼容的应用程序。

直到今年,三星的Galaxy Watch系列都有自己的定制Tizen操作系统。今年,Watch 4的操作系统被Google Wear OS的自定义版本取代,其中包含三星功能。随着电池寿命更好的承诺,Wear带来了Google的整个商店,其中包含用于智能手表的应用程序。

While it's not a huge library of apps, there are some good options, including Google Maps, Accuweather, and Spotify, but there aren't many options outside of the big players. It's not a huge deal if you know which apps you'll be sticking to, but you may not have much room for experimentation down the road.

You won't have such woes with the Series 6. While it packs the same staples as Google's Play Store (Spotify, Google Maps, Strava), there's plenty of other options, too. If you want an app to gather all the nitty-gritty details of your sleep patterns, there's the robust AutoSleep. For heavy cyclists, Cyclemeter offers privacy-focused tracking that rivals Strava. You can grab an app to track your teeth brushing, manage your to-do lists, or dictate a note or two while you're on the go.

Our pick: Apple Watch Series 6


Galaxy Watch 4的前部显示霓虹灯蓝色手表脸。
Credit: Reviewed / Joanna Nelius

Galaxy Watch 4和Watch Series 6都有出色的显示器,即使在明亮的阳光下也可以读取。

您会注意到手表4和系列6之间的最大区别可能是他们的显示器。当Series 6摇摆着圆形的方形显示器时,三星为Watch 4配备了圆形的显示屏和触摸式式显示器(如果您选择了Pricieer Watch 4 Classic,则配备了触摸式的表盘(或物理表盘)。

44mm Galaxy Watch 4具有1.4英寸的超级AMOLED显示屏(一种具有更快的刷新速率的OLED显示屏),分辨率为450x450,而40mm型号则包装稍小的1.2英寸显示屏,具有396x396分辨率。

Apple Watch Series 6具有相同的44mm和40mm选项,尽管其OLED显示为方形。实际上,这不会有很大的不同,并且两者都可以在屏幕上显示大量信息。44mm型号的分辨率为368x448,40mm型号的显示屏为324x394。


尽管Galaxy Watch 4的分辨率略高,但这里没有明显的赢家。即使是在阳光直射的阳光下,两个屏幕都显得明亮而充满活力,而Galaxy Watch的圆形显示屏和Series 6 Square显示屏都在屏幕上呈现大量信息而不会感到局促。

Our pick: Tie

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If you're in the market for a new phone and smartwatch and price is a big factor, you should snag a Galaxy Watch 4. It starts at $250 for the 40mm model and goes up to $330 for the 44mm model. The 44mm model only seems to be available with cellular, but the entry-level 40mm option is GPS and Wi-Fi only, so you'll have to tack on an extra $50 to that model if you want to stay connected. The Watch 4 Classic, which adds a physical bezel for interactions, starts at $350 for the 42mm model and goes up to $380 for the 46mm model.

The Apple Watch is a bit pricier. The 40mm model starts at $400 for a Wi-Fi-only model and goes up to $500 to add cellular. If you want the 44mm model, you'll have to shell out $430 for GPS only, or $530 for the inclusion of cellular.


我们的选择:Galaxy Watch 4


我们对Apple Watch系列6进行排名是有原因的最好的智能手表在我们的指南中。它的始终显示屏明亮,充满活力,即使在光明的一天,在外面也可以正常工作。它还在健身和健康跟踪,自动化会议和个人选择的锻炼之间表现出色。不幸的是,它仅与iPhone一起使用,这可能会限制您的选项。

While it's an older model, iPhone users who wanted a more affordable smartwatch can still grab aGalaxy Watch 3,这是iOS兼容的 - 尽管我们可能仍然将苹果人指向Apple Watch SE代替。在任何情况下,这是not possible for the Galaxy Watch 4, so if you want the latest and greatest for your iPhone you'll need to stay within the Apple garden.

If you're already locked into an ecosystem, the differences between Samsung and Apple's flagship smartwatches aren't drastic enough to warrant a full migration. Whichever watch works with your phone will offer plenty of health and fitness tracking, while providing all-day battery life and handy notifications.

That said, while Galaxy Watch 4 comes out slightly ahead in factors like greater screen resolution and lower price, the Apple Watch Series 6 is still the top watch, ecosystems aside. It's just as good at health and workout logging, and you'll have way more apps to choose from than Google's offerings.

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